Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Mom wanted a picture of Tiki with wings at the Bridge for our sidebar, but she has not learned photoshop yet, and doesn't have the time to let us visit everyone, let alone learn a new computer program, so she asked Miss Ann at Zoolatry if she would mind making us a picture. She e-mailed her at 2 in the morning our time, and by the time Mom got to work, we had all of these wonderful pictures to choose from. Thank you so much, Miss Ann. They are wonderful. As you can see on the side, we chose a smaller version of the last picture. Aren't they beautiful. We are thankful for all of you and all of the support and hugs and purrs you have given us.


Anonymous said...

This is such a great tribute, your site is wonderful, and everyone should make a visit over to over to Ann at Zoolotry. Tiki must be smiling now.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely picture of Tiki. Ann does beautiful graphics.

Maggie May said...

Just beautiful!
~The Creek Cats~

Two Greyhound Town said...


Cory said...

Wow, what a wonderful and beautiful tribute to Tiki. Ann is a true artist.

Liss said...

Those are very pretty.

Samantha & Mom said...

Awww.....that is a beautiful portrait of Tiki with wings!! The other pictures are beautiful to!! (((((hugs from our house to yours))))),
Your FL furiends,

LZ said...

They are so beautiful!! We like the one you chose too.

(Yes, you are correct in the direction of our first President ;) )

Chrissie said...

AAAWwWwwwww, those are all so beautiful..Miss Ann always does such beautiful work and with such love..we're all very blessed to have her among us, aren't we?

I miss Tiki, too..I'm so sorry my mom was up in Canada when he went to the Bridge..she missed being there for all of you. He's such a sweet boy!

Shaggy and Scout said...

All those pictures are so lovely!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Zoolatry does such fantastic work!

Daisy said...

Those are lovely! I like the one you chose best, too.

Anonymous said...

Ann did a fabulous job! The last one with wings is our favorite, too!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are just beautiful, and I do like the one you chose best, it is tasteful and soft and just a lovely way of remembering Tiki :)


Anonymous said...

Those are so lovely! Purrrrrs.

Anonymous said...

They are so bootiful!

purrs and headbutts to yer mom, we try and do dat alot to our the mom too.

Beethoven said...

Zoolatry is wonderful! They make such beautiful pictors! It's a wonderful way to remember dear Tiki.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a beautiful picture!

Miss Ann is so special and we in the Cat Blog appreciate her very much.

Lux said...

Beautiful. Truly beautiful. :)

PB 'n J said...

Those are absolutely lovely - Miss Ann is so talented and wonderful!