Friday, February 6, 2009

Finally Friday

Just look at what time Mom decided to stroll in the door last night...She claims she was at work, but we all know that she just wanted to leave us at home by ourselves.

Then she decided to follow in the footsteps of Meezer Mom and fell asleep before helping us do our post for the day, so I am showing her my displeasure. Not only did she initially fall asleep, but she has fallen asleep two more times since then. Maybe this final time will be the charm.


Cory said...

I know, it seems like a crime doesn't it. Be's work hard for us. I'm betting she makes it up to you!

The Creek Cats said...

Some mommy's in trouble! How dare she break curfew! We don't cut our mom slack when she breaks curfew, but I guess we should. Like Cory said, mom's work hard for us!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Fortunately Sammy and Miles give such great instructions on what to do in such a situation...

Daisy said...

That is a very long day! Sometimes, my Mommie is already in bed by then!

Jimmy Joe said...

I'm sorry you didn't get enough Momma time last night, buddies. I hope she at least gave you some treats before she fell asleep. When you get a chance, stop by my bloggie--I have an award for you!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Parker said...

I think all of our Mommies are working too hard!

meemsnyc said...

Wow that is late. Your poor mommy has to work so hard!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

There must be a bean sleeping disease going around because my mom caught it this week too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Try licking her ear. That allus gets The Big Thing awake real fast...

Karen Jo said...

That is really late. I see you are showing her the Back of Disrespect. Good job, but don't be too hard on her. She has to work hard to keep all of you in treats.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i feel yer pain. mi mom offin strollz in da howse verree late after a day uv teechin an tooterin.

Anonymous said...

We don't like it when the humans do that. You should consider operation "Drive the Humans Crazy" (read more at our place).

Max said...

Stomp on her boobies. That keep people awake. At least lady peoples...

Two Greyhound Town said...

You definitely gave her the stink eye! She's working to bring you home treats though... at least that's what our Mommy tells us.

Chrissie said...

There sure are a lot of tired moms out there, huh? They're all workin' hard!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Waltzing in the door at that hour is unacceptable. You did the right thing turning your back to her.

Anonymous said...

Humans....Sheesh :)

Country Cats said...

Has your Mom woken up yet? She needs to help you post :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, you're giving her The Look! And boy do you give it good! Our Lady's been doing the same thing, and sometimes she does OTHER STUFF before feeding us, even though it's very very very late! Can you imagine?