Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Meezer Rule Monday

When your nap is disturbed, stick out your tongue and give your Mom an annoyed look!
In other news, Mom says we are going to be moving over Memorial Day weekend. We will be moving about 20 minutes away, and she isn't sure again how she is going to catch Cody and this move will be much more traumatic for him. He will actually have to ride in the metal monster on wheels. In some ways, we can't wait to move because it will mean we will be able to wander the apartment at will and not have to watch out for the mean woofie that lives here (not Camie).


Anonymous said...

Moving is no fun. But no mean woofie might make it worth it!

BooBoo said...

You don't look too happy.

Anonymous said...

Youz talkz ta Cody an' tell him dat when he getz ta da new place he'll hab lots 'a placez ta explore! ☺

Camille is doin' Wordless Wednesday ober at our place. Shez showin' her butt again. Why doez she thinkie her butt is purr-ty?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You do look upset! Moving would do that!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hate moving but at least you are not going really really far.

Daisy said...

Tavi, one look at your face and I think your mom will get the message!

The Meezers or Billy said...

nice tongue. the m-werd stinks. can your mom get a pill from the v-e-t that would make cody a little sleepy and gif it to him in a pill pocket?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Haha! What a look! your mum must certainly get the message. We hope your move goes well.

Just Ducky said...

My vet is maybe 20 minutes away, so that isn't a long metal monster ride. But still having to find your way in a new place.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

None of us haf ever moved, so we cant magine what that woud be like. But ya will get the splor new places, so mebe thats good.

An cool, ya look like ME!