Monday, August 3, 2009

Meezer Monday

A good wash is needed to start a new week off right.


The Creek Cats said...

So true! We are gonna go take a baff now!

Anonymous said...

Yer sure look sqeeky, clean! We hope you have a purrfect week!!!

Skeeter, King, & Pandora

The Island Cats said...

Yep, you gotta keep yourself clean!

The Whiskeratti said...

We agree! A good baff is extremely important.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Very true. And you look like you are having a great bath!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are doing a good job at starting the week.

Whitey said...

That is an awesome meezer rule, Tavi! Whitey will get right on it!

Reese =^..^= said...

You are so right about that!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I wanna thank you guys fer suggestin that I am a Tonkinese. The Big Thing a I think you are right!

We been studyin Tonkinese the past day. So see our post Wed where we make up our minds on the matter.


Baby Patches said...

Don't I knows it! Momma tooks out dat flashy fing when I was takings a baff dis mornings too.


Baby Patches