Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

Me Gracie!!! Me miss all of you!!! The mom lady person had some rice that she didn't finish, so me helped her with it. It was yummy!
Me has also discovered something new. When the MLP lays down on the couch, or in bed, me comes up to her, puts Gracie's butt in her face, and sit there and purr on her and knead. Me does this all the time. The MLP tries to move me around so me am looking at her, but me likes to sit the other way. The MLP doesn't let me do it much unless Gracie's clawrs are chopped off, because me likes to prick her - hehe.


Karen Jo said...

The rice looks yummy. I'm glad you got to help the MLP eat it. I'm grinning at your pointing your butt at her, then purring and kneading. If you learned to knead with your claws in, you might get to do it more.

The Creek Cats said...

Gracie, you are such a cutie pie!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

HEE HEE!! ME likes to put mine butt in my MLP's face too!

Anonymous said...

That rice sure does look quite yummilicious! And we likw to put our butts in our servants faces too! It's a cat thing, they just don't understand!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Hmm... rice. I Have not had that... but then I am not keen on human food. you go!!!

Elin said...

The rice must be very yummy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

you are s funny girl sitting on the MLP! WE like rice. too

Daisy said...

Hi Gracie! Showing the MLP your spot #13 means you love her!

Chrissie said...

My mom would be pitchin' me on the durn floor was I to be flashin' my nethers in'er face like that. She's unmerciful!

Cory said...

Oh wow...were you and Nigel separated at birth? He does the same thing...18 pounds of rear end. Try turning that around!

Gracie, you are something!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I do tht too, Gracie, an my Big Thing doesnt like it either... But it feels so right.