Saturday, January 29, 2011

You'll Never Guess

You'll never guess what that woman who calls herself my mother did to me!!! She picked me up (which I hate) and took me outside and let a sticky person touch me. It was horrifying.

I suppose I should tell you everything. We live in an apartment, and I like to sit in the windows that face the middle of the the two buildings (the two buildings form a U with a pool/grassy area in the middle). Anyway, one of our neighbors has a sticky person that likes to say "Hi" to me. That's not so bad because he's on one side of the window, and I'm on the other. Tavi didn't mind saying "Hi" to him up close and personal, but I haven't been outside since I was adopted.

So, anyway, this sticky person gave Mom a box and bag of food for us, so she made me go out and thank him in person. I could have thanked him very well from inside where I was safe from all the scary stuff outside. Besides, while I like to sleep on Mom and lay next to her, I hate being picked up. It has to be my idea to get in her lap.

I was so traumatized after my experience, I had to come in and curl up in my favorite blanket and take a nap.

P.S. Mom is thinking of changing our blog name - we aren't sure about it. What do y'all think?


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Aww poor you but I think it was nice of the sticky person to give you presents so only fair you said thank you. The sticky people can be realy nice sometimes and you may get used to them. Hugs GJ xx

Ivan from WMD said...

It could have been worse, Gracie. What if the sticky thing got inside and touched all your toys?!

PetsBlogs said...

Gracie you do live a pampered life! I think you did a good thing going out and thanking sticky person. At least you had some control going out 'cause you could let mom know when you had enough. As for changing your blog name, I like your blog name and what on earth would you change it to?


Oh dear Gracie I bet that was kinda scary, but we bet the little sticky was so happy to pet you. We love the name of your blog, but we would understand if you wanted to change it.


Cory said...

The things humans do to us!!! Shocking.

I think you should do whatever you want to do with your blog name because it's your blog and it's meant to make you happy (at least that's what mom tells me).

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

ok somebody fill me on cause I lost the plot somewhere lol!!

What is a "sticky person?"....or is it "STINKY" PERSON! MOL!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Eek! We hide when we see sticky people.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Well, it's nice to have admirers...and sticky ones? From a distance is preferable but when they give you food? Well, once in a while you have to do the right thing and let em pet you...but OUTSIDE? That is scary and you were very brave!

Anonymous said...

I understand. Humans rarely come to visit, but when they do I grrrrrrrrrrr as soon as I hear the doorbell. If it's somebody my people like, sometimes they'll grab me and try to make me meet the people. This does not please me. Not at all.

We knew Camie and like the name cuz it makes us think of her, but new visitors probably think your mom's named Camie. Don't really know what to suggest. We should maybe change our name to include those brats, but we don't wanna. (though I might agree to "Grr, Midnight, Cocoa & those brats" - hmmm...)

The Creek Cats said...

You are very brave cause when we see sticky people we RUN!

Sparkle said...

Gracie, I know that must have been torture, but no one ever said that etiquette and being polite was always fun! Trust me, if it were, humans would be much better at it than they are.

Whatever you want to call the blog is up for you to decide. In any case, you guys know you will always be Camie's kitties.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Part of us would like to go outside but Mom is scared we would run off. We don't mind our sticky little grandsonbean but not so much others.

Our Blog name does not fit us any more, either. Mom will not take Wizards name out of it because she sees it as a tribute to him. It is a hard decision,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, first, the last time The Big Thing MADE me greet another Bein, he ended up drippng blood from his hand! And the Bein was my previous MOM!

Second, sometimes blog names haveta change. When Skeeter went over the Bridge, TBT left it "Skeeter&LC". But when LC follwed Skeeter, he had to change it. Now it is "Mark's Mews" which probly doesnt ever haveta change.


Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh my Bast. I know you're pain. I have to live with one of those sticky little boogers!

You could easily have said thanks from the other side of the glass. I wish I could walk around in a glass box every day

You take a nap and recover now. I hope you don't have bad dreams...

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh we don't know if it is worth any presents to have to deal with a sticky person! You are so brave!

Kate said...

I exactly know how you feel. Every time we have visitors at home I really go in my rabbit hutch and nap there because I am just so cute to pet. I must admit.