Friday, May 20, 2011

Hello again

Wow, we can't believe it's been over two months since we've posted. So much has happened in that time. Mom has changed jobs, and has gone on vacation for the first time in forever. We know she's gone to Washington DC almost every year, but that was always work. This time she went on a real true vacation. She left us for a week to go to Zion National Park. She went with our Papa, her brother, sister-in-law, nephew, niece and niece's husband. She said she truly felt like she got to relax for the first time in forever. The only thing she said she worried about the entire trip was us (we had someone coming in to feed us, but she still likes to worry). She said she posted all her pictures on facebook if any of your beans are interested.

We do have some other big news to share regarding a certain grey kitty in our house. It seems like this grey kitty has truly discovered how nice pets can be. He comes up on the bed for treats at night and will let Mom give him pets. He's even been heard to purr every night for the last week. Cody has even let Mom zoom groom him, but that scares him a bit.

As for me, I am still the same. I still love my Mama, and still like to prick her with my claws when I am loving on her. I really need to stop pricking her because it just makes her give me clippy claws that much more. I still am not fond of Cody, and he's still scared of me, but he will come on the bed when I'm up there ( he's been too scared to do it for a long time).

Mom says she's trying to save up to get another pair of Tonks. She went to a cat show put on by the Tonk association, here in CA. The breed has changed a bit in the last 18 years, but just in looks-they are still the same loving puppy cats that they've always been. She says she misses the constant lap kitty presence - I will sleep on or near her, but only if she's laying on the couch. I won't sit on her lap, and as far as Cody has come, he'll never be a lap kitty - afterall, it's taken 11 years just to get him to like bring petted.

Well, we think that is all that's happened in the last two months. We hope we are able to blog more in the upcoming months. Mom hasbeen slacking as usual. Bye for now.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well it does sound like you are getting things sorted out! Good luck with the Tonks--we quite liked their laid back personalities.


That is a lot of going ons!
We were glad to hear from you and hope that we will see more posts in the future.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Sounds like your mom deserved to slack a bit. :)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

It is wonderful to hear from you again! WE have missed you! WE hope to see more of you!

Everycat said...

We're so glad that your Mom got a holiday, musta been a real treat after such a long time. Looks like you two are making lotsa progress too, which is wonderful. New Tonks on the horizon? Yay!

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that everything is OK with all of you. We were getting a little bit worried. We also understand how troublesome humans can be when it comes to letting us blog. The Mommy had us go two years without writing. How bad is that?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad ta hear that all you guys are OK an Mom got a vacation. An we are lookin forward ta hearin about the Tonks!

Sparkle said...

I hope you get to post more - it's nice hearing news from you. The news about Cody makes my human think there is still hope for Boodie (as if!).

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Cody, yoo lettin yer mom pet yoo made our moms heart smile - and her face! Gud fer yoo, it really isnt all dat bad ... sometimes. Gracie the mom use to call dem type of claws raptor toes MOL TT use to has to git hers clipped too acuz she liked to kneed so much!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Thanks for the newsy update! We are always behind in posting and visiting too and miss it went we don't get time to do that!

Yay for Cody making strides in the trust department and Yay, too, for a real vacation for your humans, too! Zion is beautiful...Teri remembers visiting there when she was a kid and that was a REAL long time ago!

Sweet to think there might be another Tonk in your future, too. They do seem like sweet kitties and do love being lap cats from what we hear...

Alex Fitch said...

Hello Camie,

We are reaching out to you to discuss a very serious problem that has plagued cat parents for years: stinky pee.

We want to highlight this unique problem by inviting you to share your stinky cat pee story at “Your Pee is Stinky” on our Facebook page: Just upload a picture of your cat, and tell us why your cat’s pee is the stinkiest. Fans will vote on their favorites, and the winner will take home a Hartz Prize Pack that includes the odor eliminating Nodor™ litter spray, that won’t clump litter and is specifically formulated to rid your house of that cat pee stink.

We hope to see you on Facebook, and please encourage your fans to participate by voting for their favorite stinky cat! Cat pee is stinky. With your support, we can bring awareness to this important issue, and finally put an end to it with Hartz Nodor™.