Sunday, November 16, 2008

We're Okay

Hi, we wanted to let everyone know that the fires aren't close enough to us at this time to do more than make the air stinky and ash to fall from the sky.
Mom has a friend that is only about 5 miles away from the fires, and she is in between 2 of them. Mom went over there tonight to help her get everything together that she would need and pack up the car. The only thing Mom's friend has to do is grab her purse, keys, and The Interloper and get in the car. Mom says hopefully it won't come to that, but if it does, she said we can expect the interloper to come here to stay with us for a while with her mom.
We are sending out purrs to all of the people who did loose their homes in the last couple of days, and are purring extra hard that the weather will start to cooperate and the winds will die down and it will get cooler. That will help the firefighters do their job as well.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are very relieved that you are okay. We saw the fires on the news last night with our mum, and we are worried about all our friends in Catifornia. We hope your mum's friend and The Interloper stay safe. We are purring for all furries, fevvers and Beans to be safe.

Anonymous said...

Oh Guys,... I did not know.. it seems every time Momma turns on the news we see somewhere in Cali burning,, it is very terrible..
Make sure that Your Mommas furriend does not leave it till the last minute also.. I hope they and everyboddie are ok..

Parker said...

We wondered if you were near those awful fires. Please stay safe!

The Island Cats said...

We glad you are safe...but we are purraying for all those who may be in harm's way...we hope they can get the fires under control!

Fat Eric said...

We saw the fires in California on the TV here in the UK. It looks very scary. Sending purrs that they do not come near you or your friends!

Boy said...

I'm gwad you safe. Thank you for coming to mine party! It was awfuwwy fun!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Stay safe everyone.

Southbaygirl said...

We have smokey air and ash too.....luckily we're not in the line of the fire-we can't imagine what it must be like!!! We are puraying that the wind stops and the fires are contained! It's HORRIBLE and so sad!!!
We hope your mom's friend and the interloper didn't have to evacuate!!!

Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom and Angel Winton

Chrissie said...

Heavens to Mergatroid! I'm glad you're not in the midst, and that you're able to help your friend. You stay safe! And be ready to bug out if you need to..purrin' for you!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Everytime mom sees da fires on da news she starts yelling "sheesh, rain already" and "stop blowing at dat fire". Like nature is gonna lissen to her...

Karen Jo said...

I am so glad that you aren't too near the fires. I hope that your friend doesn't have to evacuate. The fires are horrible and I hope that it rains soon and the winds die down -- anything that would help put out the fires. I feel so sad for all the people who lost their homes already.