In other news, today is our 1 year blogoversary. We started blogging a year ago. Mom let us have a blog after Tiki was diagnosed with Diabetes. She wanted a permanent reminder of how we are in our day to day lives - because, as we all know, a lot of beans start to loose their memory when they get older - mol. We have made many wonderful friends over the past year and have lost some too. We miss the ones who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, or have stopped blogging for one reason or another. Thank you for being our friends for the past year. We love you!
Happy Blogoversary! Great minds... hahaha! We are so glad to have met you all.
We have enjoyed the last year very much. Although losing so many friends has been very sad. Losing 3 friends yesterday was very hard on Mom. She was too sad to do very much commenting.
We are excited to see what the next year will bring to all of us in the CB!
A very Happy Blogoversary to you all. I hope you have a lovely day. It has been a sad week, but the kitties who have gone to The Bridge would not want those of us here to be sad for too long.
Rumbly Purrs
Whicky Wuudler
We are so happy to have met you! Happy Blogoversary!
We are still very sad about our friends too...
We hope you guys have a very happy Blogoversary!!!
~The Creek Cats~
Happy Blogoversary! One whole year is awesome. We understand why you started your bloggie...since I was bugging my mom to let me have one after we sent our 4th family member off the the Bridge this past year. Having a place to memorialize our family, write about our lives so we don't forget and meet new friends has been wonderful.
Happy Blogoversary! I am so happy you have a blog so we can be friends.
Happy Blogoversary!
We know that Cloud Chaser has new Bridge "litter mates" and is romping and playing with them and that they're all healthy. Thank you for remembering him on your special day.
Happy Blogaversary!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogoversary! I'm so glad you're here!
Happy Blogoversary! Sometimes its hard to keep up but you're so right that keeping track of our daily lives is great for the humans.
Happy Blogoversary gang!!!!!!!!!
You make a great point,Cody. Our beans have poor memories and these blogs help them remember what was going on way back when ;)
We hope you keep making memories for a long time!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Blogoversary. We are glad we have met you and that you are our friends.
Happy Blogoversary!
I didn't realize that Tiki had diabetes. My Barney was a diabetic cat, too.
Happy Blogoversary! We're glad we met you! Here's to many more blogging years!
Happy Blogoversary! I love all of you, too. I am also sad about losing so many friends, but that's the price we pay for having so many friends and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Happy Blogaversary to you all! It's sad to lose friends, but it's been so wonderful to make them in the first place - friends like you!
I am so happy that we met you guys!! We are so happy that we met so everyone!!
We will never forget Miss daisy for directing us to the blogosphere and meeting so many wonderful new fuuriends such as you guyz!
We hope you continue on for many many years!! :))
pes: It is sad lots of times, Momam has never cried so much in all her life since getting to know everyone, but the love and friendship, and just,the kittehs and their hoomans way outweigh any pain that comes from when our fuuriends move on.
WE is so very happy that we have you as fuureinds! :)
Happy Belated 1st Blogoversary!
We love you, too,
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