Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just a quick update

Hey everyone. We had a miracle at our house last night. Cody has been letting Mom pet him almost every night now, and boy does he love it. He rubs on her and leans into her hand and raises his butt up into the air. And when he's done with pets, or I spook him, he takes off - but at least he's allowing Mom to pet him.

Last night, something different happened - well, actually two somethings.... Cody let Mom pet him while he was on the floor. He usually only allows pets when he comes up on the bed. The second thing that happened was truly a miracle... Cody let Mom pick him up and put him on the bed. She decided to see what would happen if she put her hand under his tummy, and she just scooped him up and put him on the bed. He didn't stay there, but he didn't fight her when she picked him up. Do you all remember what happened the last time Mom picked him up??? See here and here.

Mom is glad he let her pick him up without going ballistic. She is hoping that she can keep picking him up and maybe one day get him to the v-e-t for a check-up. Since he's always been so feral - he's not been since he had his hoohaectomy. Fortunately, we're indoor only cats, and he's been healthy.


Sparkle said...

That is amazing! Paws up to Cody!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Yeah! Way to go Cody!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is so exciting! YEAH!!!

Two Greyhound Town said...

Wonderful news! Great progress Cody!

Random Felines said...

We are kind of new here so we don't know Cody's whole story (gonna have to go back and read some) but we have a semi-feral boy here too. Mom has high hopes he will start being friendly too. YEAH Cody for letting mom pet you!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Of course he is a good boy, his name is CODY!!!!


Cory said...

Cody reminds me of Nigel. We helped move things along by slipping prozac (in chicken flavored liquid form) into his Fancy Feast. It really helped Nigel to understand we were not axe murderers!!! Now Nigel is a love bug...but he still spooks pretty easily, especially with strangers.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Miracles DO happen. Suddenly, something *clicks*. We hope it continues...

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Pawsome Cody! Yoo'll see a bean isnt always so bad, yer mom loves yoo and wants only da best.

Sasha said...

I am also more tolerant than I used to be.

Meowers from Missouri said...

we are furry acited to hear that cody's beginnin' to enjoy bein' not-so-feral!!