Mom deserted us to go and have fun. How could she have fun if she wasn't with us. Here are a few of the pictures of stuff she saw.
One of the models she saw.
Captain Picard's uniform.
The flute from one of Mom's favorite episodes.
She said it was a lot of fun to see all the props, costumes and memorabilia from the Star Trek conglomerate. They had bits and pieces from every Series, and all of the movies, and sets where you could get your picture taken. She had hers taken on the bridges of both Enterprises. She said they even had a couple of small rides, and a show that was broken, so she got a free pass to go back. She highly recommends you go see it if it comes to a venue near you and if you are a Star Trek fan.
You two look very comfortable relaxing there. We are sorry your mom abandoned you to go to the Star Trek show. Our mom is very jealous. Both of our humans are Trek fans, and that Trek show looks fabulous!
I think it is a little bit Wrong of your mom to have fun without you. I did not know that was possible!
It's always wrong when the Beans abandon their poor neglected poodins and woofies just so they can go and have fun. Hope you all sulked when they came home.
Oooh, Captain Picard is missing his head!
Oh I knows whens that comes near the big male bean and mommy bean will goes there! They watch Enterprise on Mondays.
Oh, your mom went where no man has gone before! While you kitties napped. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Your human should not have gone off without you. I could have gotten you a great tour. After all, Jean Luc and I have bonded when I was assimilated (although I managed to assimilate the Borg into Siamese)...
Hmph, we'll see if our beans are allowed to go to dat show if it comes here. Dey get three whiney kitties if dey just go to da store...unless dey bring us treats, den it only lasts until dey unpack doze.
My Bean liked Star Trek but hasn't watched it for a while. One of her friends was a member of StarFleet Medical in Star Trek Generations!!! x
My people are desperately hoping it comes near here. They are such geeks...
Hey, my beans think that's really cool - I've never heard of this Captain Picard!
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