Friday, February 29, 2008

Fun on Friday

We got to go out in our stroller yesterday, and as you can see, Mom left the cover open because we had our harnesses on and Mom was holding the leash. We just went around the block, but we sure had a lot to see.
This is in front of our neighbor's house. Most of their front yard is covered in alysum, and since they have a raised lawn, it was just at our height to sniff and try to get out of the stroller. Mom did let Tiki out to explore another neighbor's planter. They don't have much in there right now, but there are amaryllis growing and some bush like thing. Mom put me back in the stroller, and we moved along.
As you can see, Tiki is very anxious to explore, and has his arm hanging out to grab on to something, or hop out at a moment's notice.Moving to the other side to see if the view is better. Tavi just lays there and enjoys the scenery.
Once we got back home, Mom let us do some exploring in the yard. We refused to look at Mom and kept trying to tear her apart again, by going in different directions.Mom, get that stupid flashy box out of my face. I am trying to explore and you are in my way.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Hi everyone. I finally get to blog on my blog - afterall, mine is the only name here.

Today, I am going to talk about 13 things I do during the day.

1. Sleep
2. Go for a short walk.
3. Eat breakfast.
4. Sleep
5. Finish the cat's breakfast.
6. Sleep
7. Move to Mom's bed.
8. Sleep
9. Go outside when Mom comes home for lunch.
1o. Sleep
11. Go for a short walk and maybe a bit of playing.
12. Eat dinner.
13. Sleep

As you can tell, I like to sleep a lot. Mom often says I am really a cat in disguise.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Meezer Rule Wednesday

This rule stems from last Friday - Even if you feel better after an illness, low blood sugar incident, etc., make sure you look pathetic every night so you get chicken or turkey baby food served to you because your mom feels sorry for you. It's yummy!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tabby Tuesday

Here I am asking Mom to give me some temptations for posing so nicely.

I got my modeling fee. I have been taking lessons from Daisy.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Meezer Monday

What Mom sees when she comes back after walking Camie.
A shot of me thru the front door.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mom Loving Us

Here we are getting pets from mom. If you put your sound up all the way, you might be able to hear us purr.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Scared Mom Yesterday ( and myself)

Normally, when she comes home, Mom lets out Camie, and by the time she gets back in the house, I meet her at the front door yowling for my lunch. Well, yesterday, that didn't happen. She came looking for me and I was 'asleep' in my millie bed. Mom just knew that something was wrong when she made some noise and I didn't wake up. She put her hand on me to wake me up, and I was very slow to respond, and looked at her with a dazed look. I really didn't know what was going on. So, she decided to do something that she never does at lunch - she tested my blood sugar. This is what she saw.
In order to get this on my machine, my blood sugar had to be below 20 (normal is between 80 and 120, and my vet is happy if I am below 200). When she saw the "LO" number, she immediately got me up and went and got a can of food. I was still pretty out of it, but what ever she put in front of me smelled pretty good, so I decided to eat a bit, but I only ate about 1/2 of the small can and normally I will eat almost the whole one by myself. So mom decided to test me again (it was about 10 min. later). I was still reading low, and not wanting to eat my normal lunch, so she went out to the kitchen and got me a jar of chicken baby food. I started to eat it right away, but quit after about 1/4 of the jar was gone. So mom tested me again, and I was still reading low. So then she broke out the nasty stuff.Mom called it honey - I call it disgusting. She put some in my mouth by rubbing it on my tongue and on my gums. It made me gag, and back away, which of course meant that I got the nasty, evil stuff on my chest...which meant that Mom had to wipe me down with a wet washcloth. She also had to clean the baby food off of me (I tend to be a bit of a slob when I eat it). In the picture below, you can see the honey in the measuring spoon, and my tester stuff.

About half an hour after she first tested me, I finally reached 25, which is still extremely low, but I had eaten a lot, and it takes a while for the food to raise the blood sugar. She finally figured it was okay to go back to work, but she made sure that Papa came in to check on me. She only had about an hour left to work by the time she left me to go back to work, and she works 10 minutes away.
As soon as she got home, she tested me again, and I was up to 92. I don't remember much about this afternoon, but I am glad that Mom decided to do something out of the ordinary and test my blood sugar - although, now I am sick of being poked. I think I had my blood sugar tested 5 times at lunch and once since she got home.

I am back to my old self - snuggling with my brother, and demanding my food like normal. Mom is going to keep close watch over me for the next couple of days to make sure that I don't drop that low again. It has only happened one other time since I was diagnosed with diabetes, and that was the first week. Mom thinks that I probably didn't eat all of my food after I had my insulin this morning, so because I didn't have enough to eat, the insulin worked too well.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday and an Award

Nom, Nom, Nom. These Temptations are delicious!

Jimmy Joe gave us the Excellent Blog award. Thank you so much. We would like to pass it on to Baby Mao. We love that he is so comfortable with smelling like poo. We would also like to pass it on the the Big Piney Woods Cats. They always have fairy finding parties in the spring and summer.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Scaredy Cat

Even though I know my brothers, woofie sister, and beans love me, and I love all of them, I am a scaredy cat. This week's T13 is things that scare me to where I might move away or run.

1. When mom is giving us Temptations, if one of my brothers moves, I will get scared and move away. Mom then has to toss my treats to me.
2. If Mom shifts position and I am near her, I will move away.
3. If I am eating and one of my brothers jumps on the bed, I pause and assess the danger, and then often run away.
4. If mom reaches for something withing 5 ft. of me, I move away.
5. Noises I don't expect (like the washer, dryer or vacuum) make me run away.
6. If mom is taking pictures, and the flashy goes off too many times, I get scared and run away.
7. When Mom goes to the kitchen to get our food, I will run 5 ft. away from her, pause and if she keeps going, I will do it again. After about the third time, I just take off running.
8. When my Papa opens his bedroom door, I run away.
9. When Camie gets up and turns around in her bed, I move away.
10. If one of my brothers is using the litter box, and jumps out near me, I get scared and run away.
11. If I am looking the other way, and one of my brothers walks past me, I get scared and dart away.
12. If I am sitting in the window looking out, and Mom comes up to the outside of the window to say "Hi," I run away.
13. When Mom first starts to play with me with a wand toy, I have to assess the situation and decide whether to run or not.

I have gotten a lot better in the past 2 years or so. It used to be that I would run away for everything, and I couldn't be within 20 ft. of people. Now my tolerance is about 5 ft, unless Mom is very still, or has temptations.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Always make sure you steal some of Mom's food even if yours is inches away.

Mom set her food down to turn on the light and this is what she saw when she turned around.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tabby Tuesday - plus one

Mom managed to catch me snuggling with Tiki. It is far away because she knew that if she went into the room to take the picture, I would jump up and run, and I did a few seconds after she got the camera. But she did manage to see us snuggling together, go back and get her camera, and take the picture before I ran. Mom has our Millie bed set up here because this spot gets the most sun during the day. We keep trying to convince her that we need another one.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Meezer Monday

We have always snuggled together, but not with the frequency we do now. In the past year, we have pretty much become inseperable. Mom likes it when we sleep like this because she will put her face in between our two bodies and give us both kisses. We usually start purring when she does that. Mom's can be useful at times.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Waiting for Mom to Come Home

Mom deserted us to go to two different things yesterday. She went to see the Harlem Globetrotters yesterday afternoon.

She came home for about an hour after that and then left to go out to dinner and to something else. She went to something called Mythbusters. We've seen that show on TV and all they do is blow stuff up. Mom says they didn't blow her up last night - or anything else either. She said it was just the two hosts talking about the show and how they got their start with some video clips of things that didn't make it on the air, and of course explosions. She took her dad (our Papa), brother (Uncle M), and her nephew for their birthdays. (They are all in Feb.)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Having Fun with the Camera Strap

Having fun with the strap to the camera.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday - Twofer

Well, it is the weekend again, and we are so happy, I decided to give you two pictures for the price of one. We got Mom for three days again. We hope you all have a good time this weekend. We had fun on the cruise last night.

In other news, we are working on updating our links, and will be adding more this weekend. Please be patient with us.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Valentine's Day

Here are Thirteen ways we know our mom loves us.

1. She gives us kisses.
2. She give us good skritches.
3. She buys us good food.

4. She makes us go to the V-E-T to make sure we are healthy
5. She won't move us if we are sleeping on something she needs.
6. She started this blog for us.
7. She tests Tiki's blood and gives him insulin shots.
8. She buys us lots of treats.
9. She buys us warm beds to sleep on.
10. She leaves the TV or Radio on for us when she is gone for a long time.
11. She doesn't get mad at us when we yak on the carpet, or her clothes, or her bed, or her ...
12. She takes us outside on a harness/leash so we can smell the fresh air.
13. She keeps trying to get Cody to accept skritches, but understands when he is just too scared.
14. She helped Camie not be afraid of people.
15. She comes and checks on us when she hasn't seen us for more than an hour.
16. She calls us when she is on vacation.
17. She comes home on her lunch hour to take a nap with us.
18. She doesn't mind when we boob walk (too much)
19. She doesn't get mad at us when we are on the counters
20. She turns the heating pad on for us when she is home so we have a warm area to sleep.
21. She doesn't make our bed so we can sleep in it and not have to worry about unmaking it.
22. She cleans our litter box and picks up Camie's poop.
23. She lets us taste her food and doesn't get grossed out if we lick off of her plate
24. She won't let us eat anything off her plate that is bad for us, and she will lift us away a million times instead of yelling at us.
25. She takes lots of pictures of our cuteness.
26. She tells us all the time.

As you can tell, this turned into a Thursday Thirteen times two. We could have kept going, but you get the picture. Maybe next week, we will do 13 ways we show our love for Mom.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meezer Rule Wednesday - The Walk

Mom took us on a walk today when she took Camie out. As you can see, Tavi is not too thrilled to be on his harness.

Here Tiki is starting to explore the neighbor's yard. He is on the low wall around their front yard.

This is after he jumped into the yard.

Tavi decided to join him.

This is after Mom pulled them back over and put them next to each other.
Which leads to our Meezer Rule for Today:
When Mom takes both of you on a walk, make sure you keep going in different directions so Mom is pulled apart trying to keep up with you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Toes on Tuesday

Since Cody wouldn't come out to play, Mom decided to take pictures of our toes. Mine came out fine. Unfortunately, because of Tiki's dark toes, the camera couldn't focus on them. But we are showing you them anyway.... even tho they are very blurry. ~Tavi

Monday, February 11, 2008

Meezer Monday

Looking down on Mom from our cat tree.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning & Treats

I like to squish my bed up to make it more comfortable. I have 3 beds in the house, and two of them are in my sleeping room. I move them all around whenever I feel like sleeping elsewhere.
In other news, the boys wanted me to post this picture - something about Mom bringing it home Friday night. If you look closely, you can see 5 different layers. They are all mixed up now tho.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Some Fun on Saturday

Can anyone guess what this is???

It is a picture of my ear. In this picture, you can see how my ears fold back against my head. This helps make me more streamlined for when I run. It looks a little bit like a rosebud. We are sometimes said to have ears like a rosebud.

Here is a bonus picture of me playing. We also want to apologize. We have not been visiting many of you. Mom says she has been sick with her sinuses and she comes home and goes right to bed. We are hoping to get caught up this weekend. We know that a lot of mommies and daddies are sick right now, and we are purring for them to get better.