Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tabby Thursday - Belated Gotcha Day
Can you believe that that woman who calls herself my mother forgot my gotcha day? It was 10 days ago. Last year around July 18th or 19th, Mom was planning a BBQ for a couple of our Blogging Mom's (Grr's, etc. Mom, and Victor Tabbycat's Mom (this was before Nina)). She got a call that day from Grr's mom saying she didn't think she would be able to make it because she had just gotten a call from a friend who was fostering a cat, and she needed to pick up the cat because her tummy troubles were too much to handle anymore. Grr's mom didn't know what to do, because the only day she could pick up the cat was the day of the BBQ. Mom said some words that changed my life...She said, "Bring her here, I'll foster her." Needless to say, Mom has failed at fostering twice now (Gracie was supposed to be a foster also).
Of course the cat with the tummy troubles was me, and I couldn't believe my luck. Even though I am a crotchety old lady who still occasionally has tummy troubles, I was adopted. I couldn't believe that she would keep me for real and true. I was about 10 at the time, and as previously mentioned, I have tummy trouble. But Mom fell in love with me, grouchy personality, tummy problems and all.
I am lucky to have found my forever home (even if I do have a Mom who can't remember when she gotcha'd me.)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Sometimes you need a butt prop to do a Full Monty. My rule for today is, if you haven't entered the Do the Q contest yet, you should try to.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tabby Tuesday
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Formerly Feral Friday
Me Gracie! Me like to be high up on things some can look down on everyone. Me am not very high here, but me higher than anyone else.
Two-legged Mom Person is leaving us for the day to go see some big fish thingy named Shamu. She is going to be gone alllllll day long, so we aren't going to be able to visit any of our friends today. :( Two-legged Mom Person says we will get caught up tomorrow.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thankful Thursday
We are thankful that we have a Mom who gives us nommy treats.
Miss Jade,
Thankful Thursday,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tabby Tuesday
Well, last night was a night of firsts. It was my first time coming out of the bedroom (at least as far as Mom knows). I sat in the hallway, but ran back to the bedroom when she came walking up to me. I also got to taste something really yummy. It was white and creamy and it was called yoghurt. Mom doesn't like it much so she got some specially for me and Camie. She is making Camie some frozen treats with it, and she said she thought it might help my tummy. We will see. I got 2 spoonfuls.
Miss Jade,
New Treat,
Tabby Tuesday
Monday, July 20, 2009
Meezer Monday - We're back
First, I would like to appologize for our unexpected vacation. We didn't go anywhere or do anything, Mom just needed a break. It has been extremely hot here. Mom has seen the outside temperature up in the high 90's at night, so at mid-day, it has to have been in the 100's. We never realized how much of a difference our M-word would make to the temperature.
We are only about 10 miles away from where we were, but we used to be that much closer to the beach and got all the cooling evening breezes. We don't get them here, and we can really tell. And since we don't have air conditioning in the apartment yet, Mom has been coming home from work and just laying around. By the time it cools down a little bit, it is late, and Mom is drained. She is very much a winter type of person.
Anyway, we have been following Mom's example and resting as much as possible. We will be back visiting everyone too. And the even better news (for us) is that Mom's month long break from work starts in two weeks! We can't wait.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday Flashback
This was one of the first posts we did way back on December 16, 2007. It was originally an Easy Like Sunday Morning post.
Camie's Favorite Sleeping Position

Wow, so much has changed since then.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Gracie Thursday
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Meezer Monday

Look, I have a new friend. It's Zoey of Zoolatry. Doesn't she look like me?? Her mom made this picture of the two of us. So, since she is part meezer too (as are all Himalayans) I thought I would share Meezer Monday with her. I love her snaggle tooth.
Friends are great,
Meezer Monday,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Formerly Feral Saturday???
For some reason, Blogger is not posting our posts when we schedule them early. Oh well, at least Mom caught this early. Is anyone else having this problem?

Mom is housesitting, so we weren't able to post last night, so Formerly Feral Friday got moved to Saturday.. That being said, I wanted to show everyone I am starting to come out from under the bed more. Especially for treats. As you can see, Mom is giving me my treats, and I am balancing myself on the edge of the bed. Yum, Yum!

We also want to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. Please keep your beans safe!
4th of July,
Formerly Feral Saturday
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Meezer Rule Wednesday
We also want to wish our Canadian friends a very Happy Canada Day!
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