Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Thankfulness

We decided to say what we are thankful for today.
Tavi - I am thankful that Mom doesn't get too annoyed when I bang on the door to go out of our room. Sometimes she even lets me out.
Tiki - I am thankful for my heating pad, and my Garfield bed.
Cody - I am thankful for Temptations and Greenies.
Miss Jade - I am thankful that the big woofiecat hasn't eaten me yet. She even likes to take naps next to me. I guess I don't think she will eat me anymore.
Camie - I am thankful I don't have to run anymore unless I want to, and I am thankful for Mom's bed to sleep on when she goes to work.


Anonymous said...

You have some wonderful things to be thankful for! We are thankful for many of the same things, too. Except we do not have a Garfield bed. That would be something we are unhappy about.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh I am so thankful for nice friends like you are to me! I am thankful that Tiki is getting help with his health situation. I will keep you all in my best prayers. I am so happy Camie does not have to run after that rabbit anymore too!!
Lots of love from your Miss Peach

Parker said...

You are all very smart kitties and Camie, I am so happy that you don't have to run anymore!!!

Chrissie said...

I am thankful for all those things FOR YOU! I would not want you to run for any other reason than joy, Camie. And being thankful for not being eaten, great treats and a great mom is always good!

Anonymous said...

They are very wonderful things to be thankful for but the main one I would say ifs I woz you guys woz I would be thankful for my Momma..:)


Anonymous said...

My turn..I thankful that your my friends...Hugs Ariel


Those are all very good things to be thankful for and it is really sweet of all of you to tell your Mommie how thankful you are...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are all excellent things to be thankful for.

Anonymous said...

Camie, we are glad yoo dun has to run anymore either. Did yoo know dat they are trying to pass a bill to make it illegal here in our state to has those races?? The mom votes yes to pass da bill!

Lux said...

Excellent things to be thankful for, no doubt about it!

The Cat Realm said...

That is a nice post! And you have many great things to be thankful of!
We too - just at the moment I don't feel like it - because I can not be thankful for the treats, and the party, and the attention, and the nice post, and all that stuff that you might get on your Gotcha Day. Because they FORGOT my gotcha day.....

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, that is so sweet. all us kitties with forever homes have lots to be thankful for. purrrrrrrrrrs

Chesney Cats said...

Lots of great things to be thankful for. Guess us kitties don't say thanks often enough.
It is pretty nice being cared for, huh?

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma