Can't you see I am trying to carry on a conversation with my sister. Sometimes you just need to talk to one of your best buddies, and Camie is definately one of my best buddies. She gives great ear washes.

Castor, we remember the day you were born and so enjoyed seeing pictures of you as you got big enough to leave your Mommy's side. We were so glad when we hear you were adopted with your brother, and even more excited when we found out the two of you would be blogging so we could watch you grow. You were just over a year old. We are going to miss you so much. Goodbye dear friend.
It looks like you are sharing guilty secrets there.
We were sad to hear about Castor too.
It's nice hanging out with your sister sometimes - just the two of you! We were sad about Castor too - especially since he was so young.
Gypsy & Tasha
We did not know Castor, but we will purr for his family during this sad time.
Woofie friends are the best! We were sad to hear about Castor.
So sad for Castor but we hope the rest of 2009 is much better FAZ
It's hard to lose a friend. We're glad you have a sister to talk it over with.
We had a dog who gave great ear washes. The Iggy Cat who Came before loved her!
There's nothing better than a good ear washing...
We were sad to hear about Castor...
I'm sorry you lost your friend Castor. Take comfort in each other.
Purrs for your sadness right now...G
How great to have a sister to share secrets with! I was sad to hear about poor little Castor.
Oh Tavi that is such a crabby face hahah You look like little Stewie when he has been busted plotting something hehe
It is very sad about Castor :(
You look quite crabilated, Tavi. I hope you got some more time with Camie without any more rude interruptions. I am also very sad about Castor. I also remember when he was born and when he and Pollux got their blog, though I wasn't very good about following it.
I'm so sorry to hear the sad news(hug).Stay close and comfort each other.
We read about Castor's loss at your blog first. He was Sophie's sweetie and we are so saddened with the news of his loss.
We just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year. May 2009 bring you all a lot of love.f
Earwashez iz da speshulty of Delilah & Iris. We iz gladz to see dats other catsez & dawgz gets dem too.
We iz sorry abouts your frend Castor. We hope he wents peezfully.
Dr Tweety
It is "greyt" to see you Camie. You look beautiful. Tell your Mama to post more photos of you. ;-)
We are sorry to hear about Castor.
Oh, poor Castor. he was just a baby! Camie is a beauty. It's great those 2 sweeties are so close.
Aw... :-(
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