Thursday, December 31, 2009

Camie (and Gracie)

We don't often post pictures of Camie because this is our blog, but she had to go to the V-E-T on an emergency yesterday, so we thought we would ask our friends for some purrs for her.

About a month ago, she got a lump on her neck, so Mom took her to the V-E-T then and they did a needle biopsy, but it came back just showing blood cells. The V-E-T assumed she had an edema and told Mom to keep an eye on it.

Well, yesterday when Mom got up, she took Camie out for a walk and she was fine. About 15 minutes after she came in, Camie was panting in the kitchen, and wouldn't come lay down. Mom finally got her into the living room to lay down, and noticed that her neck was starting to swell up. Mom thought it was an allergic reaction, so she drove to Target to get some antihistimine medicine. She gave her a pill, but realized almost immediately that the swelling was a lot worse, and that it would be best to take her in to the V-E-T.

When they got to the V-E-T, he decided that it didn't feel like an allergic reaction, so he took a couple of x-rays. Fortunately, they showed that her airway wasn't closed at all and that the swelling was all on the outside of her neck area. He still isn't quite sure what the problem is, but he kept her for the day, and gave her a steroid shot to help with the swelling and some antibiotics for her to take in case it is an infection of some kind. He also took bloodwork to send away to the lab and we should have the results later in the day today.

Here is what her neck looked like last night - about 12 hour after Mom first noticed the swelling. We are sorry the pictures aren't that great, but Mom still hasn't found the camera so she used her cell phone. (The bruising is from the bloodwork they took - not an injury)

Here is a bonus picture of Gracie playing with a flashlight spot. She isn't smart enough to realize that the light comes from Mom and you can't ever catch it.

PS - We also want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. We hope everycats' beans are safe tonight.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh we will purr immediately for dear Camie!

Ikaika said...

Poor Camie! We are sending lots of purrs and healing energies to her. We hope she is all better to help you all celebrate the New Year.

Parker said...

Oh No! Poor Camie!!! We are praying very hard for her!

Daisy said...

Oh no, poor sweet Camie! Of course Harley and I will send our very, very best purrs for her to get better right away!

Kaz's Cats said...

We're purring and purraying and sending all our positive thoughts to help Camie get well,


Gypsy & Tasha

The Creek Cats said...

We'll send lots and lots of healing purrs to sweet Camie!!

Happy New Year, furiends!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh noes, we is purring for sweet Camie!!!!!

Happy New Year furriends!

The Island Cats said...

We're purring for Camie and we hope she is okay!

cwcwccw said...

Camie we are praying very hard for you.

joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu from singapore

Anonymous said...

Ohmygoodness, we are sending many and many tender thoughts and PURRayers.

Could this be an infected salivary gland? Those things can get really big!

Cory said...

We are purring hard for Camie...and Grete has her tail wagging hard too.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sending purrs for Camie! We hope you have a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

O mai goodness. We will be purring our very best healing purrs for sweet Camie.

We wish all of you and yer Mom a Purrfect, Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Camie! We are sending her our strongest purrs.
We wish you all a happy New Year.


Sweet Camie we will all be purrin furr yoo!

And to all...

Happy Mew Year!

merry purrs

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We hopes the V-E-T made you all betters and you feel good now!!! We has a New Year wish on our bloggie for all our furrends, stop by fur some nips =^_^=

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are purring for Camie!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope Camie is okay. Special healing purrs are being sent your way.

Ivan from WMD said...

Get well soon, Camie! And Happy New Year to you all!

Karen Jo said...

Happy New Year! Poor Camie. Herman is sending her his best healing purrs.