Here I am taking a nap. If you listen really, really closely, you can hear me snore. Mom was kind enough not to wake me up. She thought I was too cute to disturb. So, my rule for today is... if you look cute when you are sleeping, sometimes, and only sometimes, you will be left alone to continue napping. Other times, Mom's just can't help but disturb you.
That is a very good rule. I hope you sleep cutely and get to keep on napping lots of times.
I snore sometimes, and mum says,'For goodness sake Eric, what a racket.'
mommy is squeeeeinig over your snoring
Awwwwwww! You sound so sweet!
Oh man you must be so comfortable and cozy!! hehe Momma was giggling, she says I snore too! I breathes REALLY heavy when I is happy too, kinda like a heavy breathing kind of snore but when awake LOL
I just bet you do the same thing.. and the huffs? hehe
PES: I am glad your Momma let you sleep:)
That's the sweetest little snore we've ever heard!
Can I tell you a secrit?
I snore too. In fact I snore loudly, Momma thinks it is magical! I am Momma's Magical kitty...
Tavi, It sounds like you are sleep purring more than snoring.
Well thank goodness you didn't get woke up!!!!
I think you look cute asleep or awake!
We're just glad that you were soooo cute that she just couldn't wake you up!
That's cute!
Luf, Us
She doesn't laugh at you does she? They laugh at me when I snore.
We liked your snoring. You're a cutie!
Mom wakes us up to tell us we're snoring! We like your rule much better!
We don't know how you managed to stay asleep! That's furry cute!
Jake snores too, loudly! Yoo isn't so bad wif da snore.
There's a really high-pitched noise comin' out of my mom's mouth and even my ginormous paw over her mouth doesn't make it stop!
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