Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Gracie Tuesday

Me Gracie. Me like to run and chase the other kitties across the Two-legged Mom person. Me scratch her leg and foot. Me sorry. Me just like to chase others kitties, especially Miss Jade. Two-legged Mom person gets mad at me when me chase her. Me just trying to play.


The Creek Cats said...

Must be the toritude, Gracie! Our Maggie May loves to chase all us kitties too!

Anonymous said...

Chasin' is a good time but doin' it on da 'bean's skin is not so much fun fur da 'bean. Sometimes blood comes our where we've left our skid marks, WOWZA!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Chasing is in your nature. Just be careful on the Mom!

CCL Wendy said...

Mom should be happy that you are healthy and energetic, Gracie! What's a scratch or two here and there?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Chasing is fun. Georgia didn't like to be chased to she would just whap us when we got too hyper.

Parker said...

It's awful when no one will play with you!

Daisy said...

Harley is always wanting to chase me all around, too!

Anonymous said...

Mom has a bitey on her leg from Whitey when he and Feather were chasing and hissing near her desk at the office. We think your Mom person knows you did not mean to scratch her, Gracie.


you should come over and play with my sisfur Gracie. She is a lot like you and I think you two would have lots of fun with each other.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sometimes the Beans just get in the way when you are chasing.

Cory said...

Aw, you were just playin'....